

Wednesday Wisdom

"December is the time for remembering the past and reaching toward the future". - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday Wisdom

"Ideas that are hoarded help no one. Success follows generosity." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

“We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.” — Peter Drucker

Wednesday Wisdom

"You can carve out a very good career simply by being the most reliable person on the team. You would not think that always showing up on time, hitting every deadline, and responding quickly and professionally to all communication would be such a differentiator, but these traits are always in short supply." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"In order to improve for good, you need to solve problems at the systems level. Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.” -Peter F. Drucker

Wednesday Wisdom

"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage." - Jack Welch

Wednesday Wisdom

"Clarity is freedom. Know what is important to you and it will grant you the freedom to ignore everything else." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"In order to improve for good, you need to solve problems at the systems level. Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage." - Jack Welch

Wednesday Wisdom

"Two things help success in life...The way you manage when you have nothing and the way you behave when you have everything." - Author Unknown

Wednesday Wisdom: Appreciation

In The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, authors Gary Chapman and Paul White help managers effectively communicate appreciation and encouragement to their employees, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between managers and employees, and decreased cases of burnout. Follow us as we explore these 5 languages over the next 5 [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 12

Great individuals (and leaders), like great companies, find a way to transform weakness into strength. It’s a rather amazing feat. They took what should have held them back - perhaps something that might be holding you back right this very second - and used it to move forward.

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 11: What Are You Made Of?

The world is constantly testing us. It asks: “Are you worthy? Can you get past the things that inevitably appear in your way? Will you stand up and show us what you’re made of?” Whatever we face, we have a choice: Will we be blocked by obstacles, or will we advance through and over them?

The Obstacle Is the Way: Part 10 – Will

To endure and prevail, you must develop the will (inner power) to confront the obstacle over and over again. Exercising your will is understanding that despite the possibility/probability of failure, you continue to take purposeful, consistent action regardless. Persist until you arrive at a solution.

The Obstacle Is the Way: Part 9 – Action

Sometimes, you must release your grip on your current identity in order to allow yourself to transform. You simply cannot be the person you want to be and the person you currently are at the same time. Once you have calibrated your perceptions and emotions, you are ready to take action: · Focus on what [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way: Part 8 – Perception

Your perception is how you interpret what’s happening around you. It affects how you see and respond to a situation. To turn adversity to strength, the first step is to manage your perceptions. Perceptions drive emotions.  Calmly and objectively evaluate what’s happening and look for opportunities to take action.

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 7

The paths of meaningful work and goal achievement are littered with obstacles. Therefore, doesn’t it make sense to have a playbook we can execute each time we encounter an obstacle of significance? In Ryan Holiday’s book, The Obstacle is the Way, he offers three disciplines we can develop and use as that playbook. · Perception [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 6

In some cases, avoiding an obstacle is wise. Ever step on a Lego? Marcus isn’t talking about Legos. He’s talking about the obstacles that we encounter in the pursuit of worthy goals. 

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 5

Daily, we observe people attempting to avoid obstacles. Every obstacle is unique to each of us. But the responses they elicit are very similar: Fear. Frustration. Confusion. Helplessness. Depression. Anger. Change shifts our comfort zones, where we find security and stability, so these emotions are naturally occurring reactions.

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 4

"The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting.” This simply means that our job is to domesticate the obstacle. We make the obstacle serve us on our journey to achieve the goal. We all have the right to live our best life; anything else is mediocre – and none [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 3

“Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions or dispositions. Because we can accommodate and adapt. The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” - Marcus Aurelius Let’s convert this [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 2

Why would we reference works from nearly 2,000 years ago? No matter your role or how long you have been in it, we all have situations we would rather avoid. Meditation provides timeless wisdom and insights that can help to understand the process of breaking through obstacles (and coaching others to do the same). One [...]

New Series!

The Obstacle Is The Way Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor and a Stoic philosopher. On the throne from 161 to 180, he was the last of the rulers knows as the Five Good Emperors and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace and stability for the Roman Empire. Marcus [...]

Applications close January 31!

The Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship awards up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation. To apply:

Only14 days left!

The Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship awards up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation. To apply: Applications will close January 31, 2024

Applications for our 2024 Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship are now open!

We are seeking a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation! Do you know one? Ask them to apply for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to [...]

Seeking a Rising Junior or Senior College Student

We are seeking a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation! Do you know one? Ask them to apply for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to [...]

Do you know a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation?

If so, ask them to apply for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation. Please click link for details! [...]

BIG news!

We are so very excited to open the application process for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation.

Making High-Quality Decisions – Part 4

Most people don’t possess the tools to optimally process these things. Consequently, they rely on tactics like the old pro-con list, listing the positives on the left side of the page and the negatives on the right. It works, but that approach has drawbacks. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. [...]

Making High-Quality Decisions – Part 3

A September 2021 Inc. magazine article reported that the average adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions per day. (Do you suddenly feel tired?) Decisions fall on a continuum ranging from the unimportant (do I go to lunch at 11:45 or Noon?) to the critically important (do we launch this product?). The consequences of important decisions can [...]

Making High-Quality Decisions – Part 2

The Internet has made things worse. Why learn decision making skills when Google has thousands of “experts” with an answer? All those answers then introduce the Paradox of Choice, which leaves many feeling overwhelmed and looking for somebody else to make decisions for them.  

NEW SERIES! Making High-Quality Decisions

Few things will improve the quality of your life more than learning how to make high-quality decisions. Yet amazingly, no one really teaches us how to do it. Not in grade school; not in high school. Most college majors don’t require courses in critical thinking or decision making. Has anyone ever told you that their [...]

Only 6 Days Left To Participate!

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship Please help us carry on Russ' legacy and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship TODAY!

Only 2 Weeks Left To Participate! Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on Russ' legacy and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today. Last week, I referenced my last professional email I received from Russ to share in a post. Last week I shared his own personal "What & Why" and this week, I share his "Where & How" [...]

Only 3 Weeks Left To Participate! Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on Russ' legacy and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today. I have struggled what to post in the last couple of weeks about Russ and this scholarship. Today, I decided to go and find the last professional email I received to get some inspiration. There it was! [...]

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

"Simply the BEST...Better than all the rest..." B = Believe E = Effort S = Structure T = Total Commitment Please help us carry on the legacy of the creator of Rowland Mountain's "BEST" awards and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today.

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on the legacy of this great servant to the recruiting and staffing industry. Russ was an active member of our national and state association for many years, making his way to the capital numerous to lobby on behalf of our industry. Having served twice as President of the Georgia Association of [...]

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on the legacy of the "Ultimate Planner of Team Building Events" and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today.

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

This week, we launch our fundraising efforts for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship in partnership with the CxR Foundation. For so many, Russ was a professional mentor. For those he hired, he provided tools and training that would become their foundation in building successful careers in search and recruiting. For his clients, he was a [...]

Final Post: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Few organizations have an exceptional culture. That’s because it’s hard to do. But if you want to capture and keep the heart of supremely able people who perform at their very best, it’s absolutely worth the effort.  

Part 11: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Be the Cultural Immune System Curating exceptional culture also means protecting it. Threats must be identified and eliminated. In “A Failure of Nerve,” author Edwin Friedman likens organizational culture to human organisms. Our bodies are programmed to protect us from harm. Infection is met with an assault of white blood cells. Pepper in our nose [...]

Part 10: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Keep Things Simple The world is a complicated, noisy place. Inputs assail us all day long, competing for our attention and challenging our ability to focus. Culture creates clarity. Leaders who curate culture are consistently on-message. They remind everyone of fundamental truths about the culture and the business to keep people grounded during challenging periods [...]

Part 9: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Quit Managing. Start Leading. Leadership Guru Warren Bennis defines leadership as, “the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Let’s add to that. The leader’s role is to cast vision, provide resources, remove obstacles, drive execution, and deliver results. Most people would much rather be led than managed. What’s the difference? Visualize standing over someone versus [...]

Part 8: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Make the Investment Making it about them requires consistent, focused investment of time and attention. Start with understanding purpose. Purpose inspires and drives people. What’s important to them personally? Professionally? Financially? Paint pictures of how exceptional performance will lead to outcomes serving the very things that are most important to them. The historical boundaries of [...]

Part 7: Curating an Exceptional Cuture

Get Aligned Once culture is defined, we need to align. Alignment requires two important shifts. The first shift happens within leadership. Leaders must realize it “isn’t about them.” The second shift is even more important and depends on the success of the first. This shift happens within the organization itself. Everyone must believe…that leadership believes…that [...]

Part 6: Create a Culture Code (continued)

Once you have the Code, bring it to life. Create laminated copies for everyone, turn into a piece of office wall art. Put it to work for you. Use it as a cornerstone of your talent acquisition efforts. Make it a tangible, visible part of your organizational ecosystem.  

Part 5: Create a Culture Code

As important as culture is, if you ask ten employees to define their organization’s culture, you’ll likely get ten different answers. Culture should be easily understood and articulated. A great way to achieve that is by creating a Culture Code. For example: The Culture at ABC Corporation Is: ·         Sales oriented and results driven ·         High-energy and fun [...]

Part 4: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Every organization has a culture. It exists in the presence or absence of leadership. If there is a lack of leadership, the organization creates conflicting dynamics, and that becomes the culture. It’s impossible to eliminate culture. Like matter, it simply changes form.

Part 3: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Culture is horizontal gravity. It’s what draws individuals into an organization, and it’s what keeps them there. More simply put, culture is why people join and it’s why they stay. Culture is a mindset, rooted in a philosophy. It’s mission in action.

New Series! Curating an Exceptional Culture

Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish American businessman and philanthropist. He led the expansion of the steel industry in the United States and became one of the richest men in the world. During the last 18 years of his life (which ended in 1919), he gave away the 2022 equivalent of roughly $10 billion to charities, [...]

Quiet Quitting – Final Post

Quiet quitting isn’t new. It’s a new twist on an old problem. But, it has captured people’s attention. As leaders, it’s on us to address it.  

Quiet Quitting – Part 8

Treatment Option 4: Work to Reconnect Employees/Teammates Employee engagement relies on feeling connected to one another individually and connected as at team to a bigger purpose. Leaders must be intentional in creating interaction and cohesion.  

Quiet Quitting – Part 7

Treatment Option 4: Acknowledge and Respect that Employees Have Changed. Quiet quitting is an identity shift. See employees as they are now vs. who they were pre-pandemic. Employees want autonomy over their work, not just in how they carry out their tasks, but also — as much as possible — influence over where and when [...]

Quiet Quitting – Part 6

Treatment Option 3: Commit to Offer High-Quality Work High-quality work means having varied and meaningful tasks, clear goals, and a positive team climate. Particularly relevant today, high-quality work also means having reasonable demands and expectations of workers. Leaders need to be especially careful about not overwhelming people with excessive demands, long work hours, or unreasonable [...]

Quiet Quitting – Part 5

Treatment Option 2: Rebuild the psychological contract with employees. The 20th Century psychological contract was transactional: Employees showed up every day from 9-5, and in return were rewarded with a paycheck and a pension. The 21st Century contract is relational. Employees want a paycheck, but they want challenge, career growth, support, and meaningful relationships. More [...]

Quiet Quitting – Part 4

Treatment Option #1: Acknowledge this is a leadership issue. In his book Extreme Ownership, former Navy Seal Jocko Willink writes: “On any team, in any organization, all responsibility for success and failure rests with the leader. The leader is truly and ultimately responsible for everything.” Leadership must address manager engagement first, then re-skill them to [...]

Quiet Quitting : Part 3 – Uncovering the Cause

“What is your why?” It sounds like an esoteric question, but why is it that you choose to go to work each day? Why do you choose this profession, instead of something else? Why do you choose the role you are in, as opposed to others? Encourage yourself and others to press beyond the obvious [...]

Quiet Quitting: Part 2 – What’s New?

In the video – which has over 3.5 million views – 24-year-old TikToker Zaid Khan (@zaidlepplin) states that “work is not your life.” This is not a new concept. But assuming that work is a requisite part of life, to view the act of employment simply as a means to an end overlooks the opportunity [...]

New Series: Quiet Quitting

Part 1 - Separating the Symptom from the Cause Quiet quitting. What began as a viral video has become one of the most talked about (and written about) topics this year. Is it a valid phenomenon, or is it nothing more than catchy clickbait? To a certain degree, the answer to that question does not [...]

Series Post #2: Be the Diamond

Series Post #2: Be the Diamond Embrace the Gray: With all that seems to divide the world today, it turns out that we might not be as far apart as it seems. The news feeds on extremes; no longer just a 30-minute daily segment or a newspaper on your doorstep. Rather, social media is the [...]

New Series Post: Post #1: Be The Diamond

New Series Post: Post #1: Be The Diamond Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John Maxwell There are times in life, both personally and professionally, where circumstances can change at such a rapid speed that our opinions, perspectives, and course of action can change by the day, if not by the hour. When faced [...]

Series Post #4: Turning the Grind into the Goal

New Series...Post #4: Turning the Grind into the Goal Outsourcing Most roles have tasks that are required to engage in repeatedly; knowing the natural progression of a profession is essential. How many partners at a law firm still do all their own research? Does a surgeon want to spend more time in surgery, or in [...]

New Series…Post #3: Turning the Grind into the Goal

New Series...Post #3: Turning the Grind into the Goal The Pursuit of Value Author Cal Newport has emerged as one of the more vocal critics of the only-do-what-you-love movement, and says it is time to end the professional guilt trip. In his book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Newport argues that following one’s passions [...]

Series Post #2: Turning the Grind Into the Goal

The Pursuit of Happiness Though some of the following may not be true all of the time, when you love the process of what you do, the following should ring true much of the time:  You don't talk about other individuals; you talk about the great things other individuals are doing.  You help [...]

New Series Post #1: Turning the Grind Into the Goal

New Series...Post #1: Turning the Grind into the Goal A world-renowned athletic coach was asked once what the difference was between the best athletes and everyone else. In other words, what do really successful people do that most people don’t? Of course, there were the typical responses of genetics, luck, and talent. But there’s an [...]

Series Post #6: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #6: Surviving the Slump Actively Learn: In nature, plants either grow or decompose; they do not stay the same. People are the same way; in an organization, nourishment is supplied by learning. What are you doing to foster training, growth, and new perspectives for yourself on an ongoing basis? Consider this dilemma: a [...]

Series Post #5: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #5: Surviving the Slump Have a Plan:   Benjamin Franklin is credited with the phrase “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Two hundred years later, that still rings true. Do not leave the office or go to bed at night without knowing exactly what your day is going to [...]

Series Post #4: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #4: Surviving the Slump STREAMLINE:   Next, consider removing the unnecessary from the calendar. Focus on whatever those most important objectives are. If your mission is to generate new clients, then remove essentially everything else from your calendar that’s not related to developing new clients. If your key objective is to complete some [...]

Series Post #3: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #3: Surviving the Slump Commit to Change: Pop quiz: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? ……… The answer is five. Why? Four decided to jump off, but that’s all they did. There’s a big difference between deciding and doing. Commit to just a [...]

Series Post #2: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #2: Surviving the Slump Slump vs Burnout: Before we jump in, recognize that there is a difference between a slump and being burned out. A slump requires reengagement, whereas a burnout requires a comprehensive analysis of responsibilities and an analysis of future career path. A burnout can be solved by adding responsibilities to [...]

New Series, Post #1: Surviving the Slump

New Series; Post #1: Surviving the Slump How excited do you think Pat Sajak is to ask contestants to buy a vowel after all these years? Do you think Beyoncé is tired of singing “Single Ladies” yet? Which do you think Michael  Jordan loved more – the championship rings or shooting practice free throws for [...]

Series Post #7: Making High Quality Decisions

Series Post #6: Making High Quality Decisions What are Core Mental Models (con't) #8-9 8.      Occam’s Razor: Simpler explanations are more likely to be true than complex ones. Don’t begin with trying to disprove a compilated fact pattern. Instead, begin with trying to prove a simple fact pattern. 9.       Hanlon’s Razor: Don’t blame malice for things that [...]

Happy Veterans Day!

We are so very grateful for all who serve and have served, especially our very own Juliette Lovell!

Series Post #6: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series Post #6: Making High Quality Decisions What are Core Mental Models (con't) #6-7 6. Probabilistic Thinking: This is trying to estimate, using math and logic, the likelihood of any specific outcome happening. Identifying the most likely outcomes is one of the best tools available to improve the quality of our decisions. 7. Inversion: Most [...]

Series Post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions What are Core Mental Models; #3-5; continued: 3. First Principles Thinking: Separate the underlying ideas or facts from any assumptions based on them. Once you get down to the essential idea or facts, you can build to produce something new. Elon Musk explains it like this: boil things down [...]

Series Post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series Post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions Charlie Munger, billionaire investor and vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, once summed up his approach to wisdom using mental models. He stressed the importance of having models in your head, and then filtering your experiences through that network of mental models to arrive at better decisions. So, what are [...]

Series Post #4: Making High-Quality Decisions

Those who make consistent, high-quality decisions also use mental models. A mental model is simply a way of thinking that helps us process what goes on around us. They’re the routines our brain uses to simplify the outside world. We all have them, and we all use them.

Series Post #3: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series Post #3: Making High-Quality Decisions It's important to note that even people with good decision-making skills can get it wrong. History is full of bad calls made by smart people, many of whom could even be called “professional deciders.” However, there is much we can do to increase our odds of making high-quality decisions. [...]

Series…9th Post…Relationships

Series 9th Post Relationships: The relationships: • On a scale of 1-100, how confident are you that you’re in the right place, doing the right things, with the right people? What can be done to move us higher up on the scale? • What’s a 7 that could be a 10? Every company does things [...]

7th Post: Paying Attention to Retention – Inquiring Minds

As it relates to professional purpose and fulfillment, there are two critical elements that are highly intertwined but distinctly different: the responsibilities and the relationships. Retention cannot happen without constant care and feeding around both.

6th Post: Paying Attention to Retention – Servant Leadership (continued)

If the reason you want something from others is because it will benefit you, that is inauthentic behavior that few will trust. If your intent is to genuinely serve those around you, you have begun to create a relationship of authenticity. Work on asking purposeful questions and perfecting your active listening skills, and share responses [...]

We are so excited to be celebrating Jessica Strecker on her 2 year work anniversary! What a gift you are to the many who get the pleasure of interacting with you! Looking forward to many more!!!

5th Post: Paying Attention to Retention – Servant Leadership

If you had to name the names of your most important clients, who would immediately come to mind? If the answer is anyone other than the names of your employees, it’s likely time for a paradigm shift. Your people are your most valued asset, and they should feel as though you are dedicated to serving [...]

4th Post: Paying Attention to Retention

It's time to stop theorizing! It’s time to start asking! What kind of culture will inspire and retain the best? How can employees get involved and feel part of something bigger than themselves? What is the right balance of virtual and in-person interactions? These are just a few of endless questions that should be asked [...]

3rd Post: Paying Attention to Retention – What Matters recently published an article that states a jaw-dropping 52% of employees plan to leave their jobs this year. Their research found: 71% more employees are more disengaged in 2021 than they were at the beginning of 2020, and 66% of employees said they would be more engaged at work if their employer improved company [...]

Today we celebrate Jessica Albert and we thank her for 9 years of service to Rowland Mountain. Thank you Jessica for your dedication and hard work! We look forward to many years of great success together!

May your weekend be filled with peace as we remember with gratitude all those served and died for our country and our freedom. We will be closed Monday, May 31, 2021.  

2nd Post: Paying Attention to Retention

If the thought is that turnover is a natural evolution of the workforce, it’s true. But as a leader, it’s important to remain on the driving end of those decisions, not the receiving. Creating an environment in which nobody would ever want to leave might sound impossible, but falling a few feet short of that [...]

New Series!

Paying Attention to Retention You've likely started to see a shift in headlines. No longer focused on what we have been through, the new emphasis is on what’s to come. Though it’s impossible to predict the future, it certainly seems reasonable that the forecast could be correct: a mass employee exodus is coming. How can [...]

So much change for us, our clients and our candidates! Our amazing team is here to support and enhance your recruiting process through the many changes!

Final Post: Stronger Than Yesterday

Have an appreciation for your history. What are some of the toughest things you’ve experienced? How did you get through them? You probably already know quite a bit about being resilient, just haven’t stopped to admire it. Remember: you’ve got this. The person who has gotten you through the toughest parts of your life? It’s [...]

14th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday: The Steps for Success

If you wake up suffocated by the list of things that need to get accomplished today, start with getting up and brushing your teeth. When you feel anxiety over an important deadline, make a list of things that need to be done and do just one of them. If your email inbox is exhausting, unsubscribe [...]

12th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – The Power of Purpose

Spend time focusing on this for yourself personally, and with those you lead. Some points to ponder: Who in my life do I care to impact the most? How specifically am I going to mentor and impact those individuals? What are five things I would put on my bucket list, and with whom would I [...]

Good Monday?

Looking to cue up a happier mood by landing a new opportunity? Call us today!  

11th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – The Power of Purpose

We have the freedom to choose our actions, our profession, our financial needs, and the path of our life. Each day is not about what we have to do. It’s about what we get to do. Strength can come from the recognition that there is a bigger purpose, a desire to make a difference, and [...]

Is now the time…???

Is now the time for you to expand your search for talent? Is now the time to take the risk and look for growth opportunity? Call us today!

10th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Fondness for Failure

You may find that you fail less when you don't fear it.   Failure is either redirecting or reaffirming. If failure caused you to take a different path, it’s because you saw it heading towards a dead-end. (Yay!) If failure caused you to get back up and keep going, it reaffirms you are committed to [...]

We are like no other!

We have some of the best and brightest candidates and some amazing clients with outstanding opportunities!  

9th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday: A Fondness for Failure

Consider failures as beginnings, rather than endings. You’ve probably learned more from failures than any other source of wisdom. Teach yourself, and your team, to focus on the data and facts. Embrace failure's value as a teacher, get curious about the information it provides, and be open to where it leads you next.

Happy Friday!

How was your week? What does your future hold? Perhaps the weekend is a good time to sit back and consider what the future may hold. Let us help!

Happy St. Patricks Day

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields. May God hold you in the palm of his hand. May God be with you and bless you. May you see your children’s children. May [...]

7th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Core of Confidence (continued)

Confidence increases productivity and causes you to choose more challenging tasks, which make you stand out amongst your peers. You naturally create a more cohesive workplace environment; confident people celebrate the accomplishments of others as opposed to insecure individuals who try to steal the spotlight and criticize others in order to prove their worth. Speaking [...]

Happy Anniversary Juliette!

Today we celebrate Juliette Lovell and 13 years of service! We are so very grateful for her SIGNIFICANT contribution to our success over the years and look forward to MANY more!

6th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Core of Confidence (continued)

As a leader, recognize that criticism doesn’t increase competency. You are simply sharing what not to do, instead of what to do. Imagine a child learning how to ride a bicycle. Which environment shapes a more confident future cyclist: pointing out each time they fell down, or pointing out what they did to stay up?

5th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Core of Confidence (continued)

Although comparison can create competition and competition can fuel achievement, it’s a balancing act. While constructive criticism can deter certain behaviors in the short-term, positive reinforcement is generally better for shaping new and lasting behavior. It’s also at the core of creating confidence.

3rd Post: Stronger Than Yesterday

Instead of leaving resilience up to chance, considering strengthening those muscles by choice. How can we lead a more resilient life, and lead a more resilient team, in the year to come?  

2nd Post: Stronger Than Yesterday

Looking back at some of the toughest situations you’ve endured, you may have felt there was no other choice. It was a natural instinct. And while it’s true that resilience can come innately, it’s also a learned skill.  

New Series! Stronger Than Yesterday

Resiliance. It’s one of the secrets to survival, both professionally and personally. It’s what’s gotten you to where you are, and it’s what will help define who you will become.Read this posting series each Wednesday for more!

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It – Final Post

In a culture that is bombarded with information and stimuli, finding time void of noise can seem inconceivable. However, it is in that void that we are able to tap into the part of the brain that can process thoughts of deep significance. Give your mind the space to take all of the information it’s [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 10th Post

There may be a deeply rooted connection as to why the phone ceased to be something that is enjoyable, and instead something you are virtually compelled to use. Connect the feeling behind the activity: · Feeling lonely, so time to plan something enjoyable with a friend/family, not check social media. · Need something positive to [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 9th Post – Give Yourself More Battery Life

Consider the following to give yourself more battery life: · Give yourself a full hour to start your day before allowing yourself to check email on phone/computer · Eat lunch anywhere besides staring at the phone/computer · Disable push notifications for social media, news, email, etc · Leave devices in another room during meals and [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 8th Post – The Focus

It is not possible to manage time; it keeps marching forward regardless of what we do. However, our energy is one of the most valuable things we can control. What do you allow to take this most precious asset of yours; who and what receives your focus and your attention? If you ever feel like [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 7th Post – Fill In The Blanks

Fill in the blanks below for all aspects of a balanced life, including relationships, career, health and financial. Next exercise: take each of the “I would have” statements of the past, and revise them to be your non-negotiables for the coming year. I wish I would have ____________________________________________ I would have spent less time __________________________________ [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 6th Post – The Past

The intent behind the "I wish..." exercise is not to create a laundry list of missed opportunities; holding on to regrets can be a form of self-sabotage. In fact, in many cases it is impossible to have made a better decision at the time; we were doing the best we could with what we had [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 5th Post – The Past

Fill in the blanks: I wish I would have... I would have spent less time... I would have spent more time... I would have worked... I would have focused more on... I would have focused less on... I would have worried more about... I would have worried less about... I would have cherished...

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It – 4th Post

The weekend should not be a 48-hour countdown until Monday, and Friday should not feel like the victorious finish line of a marathon. What if instead of being vulnerable to the regrets of the future, we take a moment, take a breath, and decide what we want to do differently – starting today.  

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It – 3rd Post

Why is it that the question of “what would you do differently” is most commonly asked following a negative event? A missed opportunity to land a big client, a health scare, the sudden loss of a loved one? Why must it take being jarred out of the routine of life before reflection becomes a prioritization?

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It

Why is this important? Because if you are still reading this posting series, you’ve got a gift sitting in front of you. Every single person reading this article has this gift in common.   The gift? Is time.  

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New Series! Later Will Be Now Before You Know It

We have a question to ask you...But you have to slow down to answer it...Stop scrolling...Take a moment...Take a breath... Question: Knowing what you know now, having all of life’s experiences thus far behind you, what would you do differently? Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

We are hiring!

We are all experiencing unprecedented change in our communities, businesses, and our teams. Perhaps you are considering a more personal level of change in your career. We would love to talk with YOU about joining our team! For 33 years, Rowland Mountain & Associates has been honored to serve clients nationwide in building high performing [...]

New Series! Fostering Fear

What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” Reflect on that statement for a moment. You may even have an immediate connection to it, with your own delinquent “to-do’s” catapulting to the center of your attention. It was entrepreneur, author, and investor Timothy Ferriss who most recently voiced this assertion [...]

Final Post: The Stress Test

On the Brink of Burnout Improving stress management capabilities is one thing; bringing employees to the brink of burnout is another. Create a healthy balance between high achievement and high enjoyment. Be spontaneous; this could be as simple as rearranging office furniture or hosting an impromptu casual lunch gathering. Instead of your next brainstorming meeting [...]

8th Post: The Stress Test

It is also worth considering the dynamic between a personality type and the ability to comfortably cope with change or pressure. Some individuals are wired to embrace bold new ideas and the bigger picture, believing that risks are worth taking and love a challenge. Others are pragmatic, are drawn by data and facts, and details [...]

7th Post: The Stress Test

Consider some of the following questions to evaluate aptitude (aka "stress test"): • It doesn’t seem as though you have enough experience for this role. Tell me why you believe we should hire you, or why I’m wrong in my assessment. • Do you think you’re doing well in this interview? • I don’t think [...]

6th Post: The Stress Test

Screening for Stress It is commonly known that individuals put their best foot forward throughout the interviewing process – both applicants and hiring managers alike. Professional game faces are on, and many would liken a first interview to a first date, which begs the question: when do you really get to know what is underneath [...]

5th Post: The Stress Test

Think of this; within the workplace, it is common for individuals to achieve promotions based on their commitment to personal success early in their careers. As individual contributors, they can produce more simply by doing more. They can choose to work harder and longer, and to be more productive. There is a tremendous amount of [...]

4th Post: The Stress Test

Good leaders can keep cool even when the situation provokes an emotional reaction. But great leaders also help everybody else stay calm and contribute to the imminent situation and impending objectives. There is a difference between managing one’s self and managing the reactions of others, and the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand. Read [...]

3rd Post: The Stress Test

Why the stress test? Think about it a bit; it makes sense. Drama in the workplace is the enemy of productivity. Incessant venting can create an emotionally exhausting experience for all involved. Individuals who react, instead of respond, typically do not endear themselves to others within the team. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us [...]

2nd Post: The Stress Test

In our research on the topic, we discovered another crucial attribute as it relates to identifying future leaders: the stress test. Great leaders always seem to have the ability, at least outwardly facing, to remain calm during situations that make most of the general population fall to pieces. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us [...]

NEW SERIES! The Stress Test

Countless articles, including several of our posts, have addressed one of the most important tasks given to senior leadership within any organization: the ability to identify the next generation of future leaders within the firm. We look for passionate individuals who wake up each day craving success, but who can channel that passion into actions [...]

FINAL Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Not every player on the team needs to embody an entrepreneurial spirit – but identifying and mentoring those who do can start to shape the next generation of future leaders within your organization. These are but a few of the traits to look for as you evaluate those capable of taking your department or company [...]

12th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

So how can we start to understand an applicant’s or an employee’s "grit"? Try some or all of these questions to identify the trait: • What experiences do you feel had the most impact in shaping who you are today? • What goal have you had in your life that took you the longest to [...]

11th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

In his book, Self-Made in America, John McCormack references a trait studied by Kathy Kolbe: conation. Conation is “the will to succeed, the quest for success, the attitude that ‘to stop me you’ll have to kill me,’ that elusive ‘fire in the belly’ that manifests itself in drive, enthusiasm, excitement, and single-mindedness in pursuit of [...]

10th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Validation When researching the traits of true entrepreneurs, before the question of "how did they do it" comes the "why." Many experts believe that most entrepreneurs who have made significant footprints throughout history have been driven by a need for approval. Many people have a burning desire to prove other people wrong. That's a great [...]

9th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Creativity (continued) Foster creativity in people; give them permission to find their own new answers. It is acceptable to say “I don’t know;” it is impossible for anyone to know anything about everything, but creative thinkers go about finding the answer. No matter what issue is faced, there is someone else who has had the [...]

8th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Creativity Creative thinkers are intensely curious, so identify those within your organization who crave answers and alternative ways of approaching problems. Identify those who provide new avenues for thinking, instead of simply following directions. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

7th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Creativity Isn’t that what business is all about? Figure out a new way to sell a product, or create something that doesn’t exist, or streamline a process, or identify a solution that your competition has not identified. Creativity is sometimes more easily found in our children than it is in ourselves! Why is this? In [...]

6th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Passion (continued) The key, of course, is that passion is channeled into action. We have all met individuals who are passionate about so much yet accomplish so little, because they lack the ability to focus their thoughts into action. They live in their dreams instead of in reality, often because the fear of failure holds [...]

5th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Passion Again, “passionate” is one of those qualities that few would admit they do not have. So how does passion manifest itself? Passionate individuals wake up every day craving success. They are obsessed with the idea of achieving their goals and wasting as little time as possible doing it. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact [...]

3rd Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

In life, self-actualization occurs when a person’s “ideal self” (who they would like to be) is congruent with their actual behavior. In business, we may not have the time to wait for the two to align. We need to make sure we have entrepreneurs in the right roles, no matter how senior or junior the [...]

2nd Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Not every role requires an entrepreneur. In many cases, the engine of an organization is fueled by those who perform a role consistently and efficiently, day in and day out. However, in a leadership capacity, having a true entrepreneurial mindset and spirit is essential. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

New Series! Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur, or having entrepreneurial abilities, is an admired trait in our society. If you asked a candidate in an interview if they view themselves as entrepreneurs, the socially acceptable answer is a resounding “absolutely.” If you asked individuals on your current team or in your department if they felt they had an entrepreneurial [...]

Desire to Inspire – Final Post

Hardest Worker In The Room Don’t mistake this final point; this doesn’t mean you need to be the first one in and last one out every day without exception. In fact, many times the “busiest” people are the ones who simply manage their time the poorest. Unplugging or taking time off is important, but the [...]

Desire to Inspire – 11th Post

Hardest Worker in the Room When the team is out of gas, you inject more fuel. When the team doesn't know what to do next, you lead by example. Whether acknowledged or not, employees what to see a leader who is desperately hungry for the mission to succeed and will do whatever is needed whenever [...]

Desire to Inspire – 9th Post

Perpetual Improvement One of the strongest value propositions a leader can give to an employee is the ability for that individual to perpetually grow in all dimensions. The message that someone else believes in you, sees potential and growth in you, can be a powerful connector. Obvious areas of growth include professionally as well as [...]

Desire to Inspire – 8th Post: Change from the Inside Out

Connection is what keeps individuals tethered to a mission and a leader for years and decades to come. When a leader is able to reach in and inspire the hearts and minds of individuals, those individuals are changed from the inside out. When people want to take action because there is a deeply connected desire [...]

Desire to Inspire – 7th Post

Change from the Inside Out Focusing on motivation is the comfort zone of many in a leadership role. Motivation can be wildly effective as it forces us to keep up, compete, and compare ourselves to others. Motivation works as it compels us to take action, to push past limits, and do more than we thought [...]

Desire to Inspire – 6th Post

To continue...To truly inspire, you must start from within: How does my dream connect on a personal level with each team member? How do each of my team members want to be remembered in terms of the impact they had and the role they played in making a difference, both internally with peers and externally [...]

Desire to Inspire – 5th Post

To truly inspire, you must start from within: What problem does our firm solve or service does our firm provide, and what’s our connection as to why that matters? What are we building together? Why is this team special? What makes us proud to be part of this unique collection of individuals? What are my [...]

Desire to Inspire – 4th Post

Great leaders have a crystal clear vision for what the future holds, and they can articulate that vision precisely and with contagious energy. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech is proof of his ability to paint a picture so clearly that it almost seems we are already living in the future state. [...]

Desire to Inspire – 3rd Post

You. Want to be inspirational to others? You must first be inspired yourself. Think about it; reflect upon some of the individuals in your life who have inspired you. You’ll see a common thread between them all – you fed off of their enthusiasm. If you don’t know where you are going, how can you [...]

Desire to Inspire – 2nd Post

Being inspirational can be a trait that appears to be intangible; you either have it or you don’t. It seems that individuals like Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill, Tony Robbins or JFK were most certainly born as charismatic and influential individuals. So if being inspirational to others is something we all want, but it’s something you [...]

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to ALL veterans for your service, especially our very own Juliette Lovell!

Opportunistic Outsourcing – FINAL Post

Even when individuals are assigned difficult challenges, when they are involved in the decision, there is a huge increase in performance. Those who volunteer look at projects as developmental, while those who are assigned regard the task as hard labor. Take the initiative now to truly engage the hearts and minds of your team, so [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 13th Post: Just Ask (continued)

More questions to ask to assess the present and design the future: • What would you be excited to take on? (projects, responsibilities, clients) • When was the last time you feel like you massively over-delivered on something? What was it, and why did you work so hard? • What would make you listen to [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 12th Post: Just Ask

Not sure what to outsource, and to whom? Challenge yourself to get to know those on your team. Ask questions to assess the present and design the future: • When you come to work each day, what things do you look forward to? • What are you learning here? What have you not yet been [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 11th Post: Survivorship Bias (continued)

An additional option is to opportunistically outsource. Give others the chance to take on tasks and responsibilities they succeed with and are passionate about. Be sensitive to the skills and interests of individuals; match the dreamer with more creative tasks and the perfectionist with the detail-oriented projects. Just think how much more would get done [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing 8th Post: Survivorship Bias (continued)

For every Branson, Gates, and Zuckerberg, there are thousands, if not millions, of other entrepreneurs who dropped out of school and failed in business. We just don’t hear about them, and so we don’t take them into account. The misconception? You should focus on the successful if you wish to become successful. Read upcoming posts [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing 7th Post: Survivorship Bias

When you focus too heavily on the “survivors” of a given group, you tend to ignore essential qualities about the rest of the population. Take entrepreneurship; we tend to gravitate toward the most successful entrepreneurs in the world when we study examples. Richard Branson, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg all dropped out of school; learning [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 5th Post: The Shift (continued)

Think less about performance management and think more about professional development. Do you spend the same amount of time talking about where you see a key contributor’s career going as you do talking about how they are doing with deadlines or quotas? Is your coaching equally dedicated to skills that will help them achieve in [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 4th Post: The Shift

Stop thinking of outsourcing as the things you no longer want to do, and look instead at the opportunities you could create for others. A great leader is always one step ahead of career path advancement for key contributors. Take a moment (or a few hours) to evaluate each direct report you have; who do [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 3rd Post

Instead of viewing outsourcing as a chance to create more time for you, shift instead to think through how outsourcing could actually create an opportunity for others within your team. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 2nd Post

What comes to mind when you hear that mantra? An immediate list likely appears of all the tasks you know are not the greatest use of your efforts and energy. In the 15 seconds, you’ve spent thinking about what pops to mind; you may already have vowed to no longer waste time on select mundane [...]

New Series! Opportunistic Outsourcing

Business coach Peter Drucker was known for dispensing some sage advice that still rings true decades later: "Do what you do best and outsource the rest." Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Employer Branding: Interview Process FINAL Post – Communicate Effectively

Take time to evaluate the lines of communication between prospective candidates and your internal hiring team. When a candidate applies to your organization, is an automatic response sent to notify that the information has been received? If the candidate interviewed and is no longer in consideration for the role, how is that communicated to the [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 11th Post – Create a Compelling Story (part 2)

Consider having a "story book" in the lobby for candidates to flip through while waiting for an interview. It could be stocked with pictures from company events, parties, charity events, or volunteer initiatives. Including company newsletters, quarterly updates with announcements and achievements, and photos from events and cultural initiatives add a sense of the company’s [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 10th Post – Create a Compelling Story

Prior to a first interview, provide candidates with an “About Us” packet highlighting the history of the company, growth plans, success stories of employees, and other items that will engage them on a human level. Sharing testimonials from recent hires who can attest to how much they enjoy their new roles and the firm, or [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 9th Post – Personalize the Experience (continued)

Additional videos can enhance the experience even more. Employees talking about why they love the organization or key customers sharing why they value the company serve to provide multiple perspectives to potential candidates. Videos with clips from around the office and spotlighting superstars can be an effective way to share “why your company” to prospects [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 8th Post – Personalize the Experience (continued)

Electronic and telephonic communication works well, but video communication personalizes the candidate experience significantly. As a way to incorporate videos into the hiring process, we partner with a leading video interviewing technology platform so clients can share their stories in their own voices and communicate their brand with depth and personality. Read upcoming posts for [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 6th Post – Go Mobile (continued)

Mobile does not only apply to searching for new opportunities. A recent survey conducted by found that 43% of candidates research their prospective employer just 15 minutes prior to their interviews. However, according to a study by CareerBuilder, only 20 percent of Fortune 500 companies have a mobile-optimized career site. Employers must implement a [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 5th Post – Go Mobile

Contrary to popular opinion, prospective candidates do not wait to get home from work to look for new career opportunities or research alternative employers. The most popular day to search for jobs is Monday, and it tapers off throughout the week before plummeting over the weekend. This means that candidates are looking for jobs while [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process – 4th Post: Get on the Same Page

How employees represent the company’s mission and brand is as important as anything said by human resources or leaders during the hiring process. Within the first interview, a candidate needs to grasp an understanding of what is unique about the organization, environment, and opportunity. If a candidate was to ask why your company as opposed [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process – 3rd Post

Every encounter with your brand influences a candidate’s perception of your organization, which impacts your company's ability to stay in the driver’s seat when deciding which candidate to hire. Employer brand and candidate experience are inextricably linked, and they matter greatly for recruiting and retaining talent. How can you communicate your brand while simultaneously improving [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process – 2nd Post

Recruiters often say that the purpose of a first interview is to get invited back for a second interview. This is because the decision for next steps then rests solely on the shoulders of the candidate, and options are limitless. But does every candidate who interviews with your organization want to be invited back for [...]

New Series! Employer Branding: Interview Process

Woven throughout an effective talent acquisition strategy must be the communication of your brand. As executive recruiters, we know the importance of communicating this message in the initial stages of attracting an individual to the possibility of considering a career change. However, your company's ability to communicate that message throughout the interviewing process is what [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: Final Post – Words Matter

We have the freedom to choose our actions, our profession, our financial needs, and the path of our life. Each interaction is one step on the journey to create a transformed mindset associated with maintaining a perpetually positive inertia. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 8th Post – Words Matter

As a leader, it is our responsibility to help others understand that words have power; the way we say things matters. One could complain, “I am being bombarded with emails” or one could ask for suggestions for technology tools and effective time management. I have to go to this team meeting = I get to [...]

Launching New Product Line in Engineered Wood Floor Systems

The successful candidate for this role works with the General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as enjoys working in a highly visible role. [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 7th Post – Commitments Vs Goals

An object in motion stays in motion; how is that applied within a professional setting? Consider breaking achievements into two categories – commitments and goals. A commitment is a level that is attainable; one to be celebrated and which took some effort to get to. But how do we keep the motion of achievement in [...]

Senior Level Product Manager for Well-Known Brand in Building Products

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, messaging [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 6th Post – Autopsy

Within the workplace, it is common to diagnose negative circumstances. A key employee left the organization, a prospective client was lost, or the department failed to hit quarterly targets are all examples of situations in which individuals will convene to discuss what was missed, what could have been done differently, and how to avoid replicating [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 5th Post – Habits (continued)

Why is that critical to this topic? We must not regard any of the following suggestions as quick-fixes, but rather as a journey to create a completely different mindset associated with maintaining a perpetually positive inertia. Although this analysis of the dichotomy of inertia can span all facets of life, this series will focus on [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia 4th Post – Habits (continued)

In 2009 Phillippa Lally, a psychology researcher at University College London, published a study on how habits are formed. She sought out to identify how long it takes to form a habit in the real world and by doing everyday tasks. The study looked at simple acts that people could incorporate into their daily life [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 3rd Post – Habits (continued)

Maxwell Maltz best-selling book Psycho-Cybernetics book focused on a mind and body connection and the power of self-affirmation and mental visualization techniques. Many of his findings and the book itself were absorbed into areas of personal development in which some of the very trainers and motivational speakers we know today: Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and [...]

Top Performer – Engineered Wood Floor Systems

The successful hire for this role will work with the General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as enjoys working in a highly visible [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 2nd Post – Habits

Let’s start with a common misnomer – that it takes 21 days to create a habit. If we want to focus on replicating positive momentum, we must start with an understanding of what it takes to get into a consistent pattern. The origination of the 21 day theory stems from plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz. In [...]

New Series! The Dichotomy of Inertia

When it rains, it pours; most are familiar with this phrase. It’s what we use to describe the inertia of negative circumstances building and snowballing. Can you think of the equivalent phrase used to describe the opposite? The experience of positive inertia? “Just look at the bright side”… “turn lemons into lemonade”… “there’s a light [...]

Senior Product Manager – HUGE Brand in Building Products

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, messaging [...]

An Era of Authenticity – Final Post

There are two most common scenarios in which colleagues pick up on inauthentic conversations. The first is the small talk; those situations in which you are grasping for something to say in order to avoid awkward silence. This does not mean that you need to ask deeply meaningful questions while collectively waiting for the elevator, [...]

Sales Estimator & Designer

Our client is the largest global manufacturer within their segment of building products with a rich 50-year history. This company fosters a culture of high integrity, humility and has long employee tenures. In the past 5 years, the company has had tremendous growth from acquisitions. The successful hire in this role will work with General [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 7th Post: Start Simple

So if authenticity is something we all want, but it’s something you are and not something you get, then authenticity must be impossible to teach, right? This is likely true and quite a paradox. Therefore, let’s start simple. Decide to stop being inauthentic. Catch yourself when you make a false compliment and try instead to [...]

Engineering Manager – Architectural Building Products

Our client holds the largest market share in their respective field in North America and are renowned for revolutionizing this product line! Unique culture combines a technically oriented staff within a friendly, casual atmosphere. The lucky candidate to get this role will be responsible for a large team that handles all process improvement, equipment and [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 5th Post: The Law of Attraction

Part of the importance of authenticity in the workplace is to serve the relationships of the existing team. Something else to consider? How genuine interactions can influence the interviewing process. Reflect upon some of the most authentic personal connections or experiences that stand out in your life; it may be that you can only think [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 4th Post

Constructive criticism is instead constructive feedback. Feedback about a performance deficiency does not have to be any less positive than reinforcing proficient capabilities. To a certain extent, Zig Zigler’s famous quote that “you will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want” is commonly mistaken. If the [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 3rd Post: Intent

To learn how to be authentic, or to react authentically, treats authenticity as something we have instead of something we are. As complicated as that sounds, it is actually quite simple. In the perceived nature of human interaction, there is an element of intent that cannot be dismissed. As a leader, having an employee’s best [...]

Sales Executive – Concrete Industry

This aggressive company is a world-wide supplier and industry leading manufacturer with a product history for many years. This position has overall responsibility to represent company brands and to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. Approximately 60% travel will be expected to cover the southwest [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 2nd Post

Those around us can sniff out inauthentic behavior just as well as “dogs and bees can smell fear” (to quote Jonathan Lipnicki’s character in Jerry Maguire, of course). What to do? Many of the suggestions in this series may simply serve as a reminder of best practices you already know. However, it is our experience [...]

Seeking Experienced Channel Marketer for Well Established Brand in Building Products!

The successful hire in this role will be accountable for leading annual strategic planning, managing line reviews, new product launches and product development. To be successful in this position you must be able to manage multiple projects at once. This is a challenging opportunity with ample room for growth! This position has a competitive base [...]

New Posting Series! An Era of Authenticity

It's probably a fair statement; if you are the kind of person who needs to read an article on how to be authentic, is the very act of reading such an article in and of itself inauthentic? Setting aside that seemingly debatable fact, the topic of authenticity is likely often discussed in counseling sessions but [...]

Sales Estimator – Global Manufacturer of Building Materials

The successful candidate for this role will work with General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as enjoys working in a highly visible role. [...]

Elevating the Game: Final Post

Camaraderie at work can create “esprit de corps,” which includes mutual respect, sense of identity, and admiration to push towards goals and outcomes. Certainly, the coordination of group events such as charitable initiatives, wellness competitions, community service events, and other activities can help build a sense of togetherness. However, vital friendships serve many different dimensions. [...]

Product Manager – Top Brand in Building Products

The successful hire for this role will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, [...]

Elevating the Game: 12th Post – Building the Inner Circle of Others

Gallup's research found that managers are the ones primarily responsible for the engagement level of their employees. Think through what you can do to take active role in fostering vital friendships within the workplace and the team. Friendships are about more than simply having fun; camaraderie can be built around a common sense of purpose, [...]

Aggressive Company & Global Supplier of Building Materials Seeks Sales Representative

This position has overall responsibility to represent company brands and to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. Approximately 60% travel will be expected to cover the southwest territory. This position includes territory ownership and the opportunity to develop and grow new business. Ideal candidates will [...]

Elevating the Game: 11th Post – The Inner Circle – “Collaborators”

Collaborators are friends with similar interests - those who share your passion for sports, hobbies, work, politics, food, movies, music, or books. Shared interests often make Collaborators lifelong friends with whom you are most likely to spend your time. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Regional Sales Representative – Aggressive Manufacturer of Building Materials

This position has overall responsibility to represent company brands and to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. Approximately 60% travel will be expected to cover the southwest territory. This position includes territory ownership and the opportunity to develop and grow new business. Ideal candidates will [...]

Elevating the Game: 10th Post – The Inner Circle – “Connectors”

Connectors are the bridge builders who help you get what you want. They get to know you and work to connect you with others who will share your interests or goals. They extend your network exponentially and give you access to new resources. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Elevating the Game: 9th Post The Inner Circle – “Navigators”

Navigators are friends who give advice and direction. You seek them out when you need leadership and counsel; they're phenomenal at talking through your options. Navigators are best at understanding your dreams and goals and then helping you find the path to achieve them. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Established Manufacturer of Architectural Building Products Seeks Engineering Manager

The successful candidate hired for this role will be responsible for all process improvement, equipment and facility maintenance. This position will manage maintenance supervisors, technicians and engineers and will implement and maintain all engineering initiatives. This is an exciting opening to join the #1 company in this market in an influential and highly visible role [...]

Elevating the Game: 8th Post The Inner Circle – “Mind Openers”

Mind Openers are vital friends who stretch your viewpoint and introduce you to new ideas, opportunities, and people. They help you expand your vision and create positive change in your life. These are the friends who challenge conventional wisdom and allow you to express opinions you might hesitate articulating to others. Read upcoming posts for [...]

Elevating the Game: 7th Post

The Inner Circle - "Builders" Builders motivate you, invest in your development, and genuinely want you to succeed. These friends help you see your strengths and advise you on how best to use them. They are generous with their time and encourage you to accomplish more. They'll never compete with you and will always be [...]

Elevating the Game: 6th Post – The Inner Circle

Elevating the Game: 6th Post - The Inner Circle Consider your own inner circle at work. In Tom Rath's Vital Friends, his extensive research outlines the types of individuals you must have in your life in order to elevate your professional game. Who of your vital friends can you count on for the following... • [...]

Product Manager – Building Materials

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, messaging [...]

Established Brand in Building Products Seeks Channel Marketing Manager

This person will be responsible for managing the marketing efforts for one of the largest retailers in the U.S.! This person will be accountable for leading annual strategic planning. This individual must be capable of managing line reviews as well as managing any new product launches and product development. To be successful in this position [...]

Elevating the Game – 5th Post

One reason deep friendships are so essential in the workplace is because a necessary element of friendship is trust. Development of trusting relationships is a significant emotional component for employees in today's workplace. Thus, it is easy to understand why it is such a key trait of retention, and is one of the 12 key [...]

Aggressive Building Materials Company Seeks Regional Sales Representative

This position has overall responsibility to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. This position includes territory ownership and the opportunity to develop and grow new business. Ideal candidates will possess strong industry knowledge, written and oral communication skills, and ability to work with cross-functional teams [...]

Elevating the Game – 4th Post

One reason deep friendships are so essential in the workplace is because a necessary element of friendship is trust. Development of trusting relationships is a significant emotional component for employees in today's workplace. Thus, it is easy to understand why it is such a key trait of retention, and is one of the 12 key [...]

Elevating the Game – 3rd Post

The best employers recognize that loyalty doesn’t solely exist to the company; it exists at a much deeper level - among employees toward one another. All employees have moments when they examine their professional situation; as recruiters, on a daily basis we speak to individuals who consider leaving an organization. The best managers recognize that [...]

Elevating the Game – 2nd Post

The concept of having a best friend may seem more appropriate for schoolyard conversations than workplace ones. Although there is no need for friendship bracelets to be exchanged across cubicle walls, there is most certainly a need for significant connections within the workplace in service of employee contribution and retention. Contact us today!

New Series! Elevating the Game

You are the company you keep” is an adage for both personal and professional interactions; what distinguishes highly successful people from everyone else is in the way they use the power of relationships. Vital friendships serve many different dimensions, and understanding the types of relationships that elevate professional performance is essential. Leaders and managers must [...]

Seeking Estimator for Global Manufacturer of Building Products

The Estimator works with the General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. The ideal candidate will be located in the South-Central United States. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as [...]

Perpetual Prime: Final Post

We don’t need to make it as complex as Google has; start with becoming the boss you most admired and recreating the circumstances that used to make you feel you were in your zone. So goes the leader, so goes the team; once you feel you are in a perpetual prime of life, you will [...]

Perpetual Prime: Post #8

The best boss you ever had took responsibility for inspiring you, for making you feel heard, and for believing in you at times more than you believed in yourself. As leaders, we owe it to those who have put their careers in our hands, and the formula exists of what to do. It has been [...]

Perpetual Prime: Post #7 – Your Team

Being a leader can often times feel like being a parent, where every word is heard and every action is emulated. That leads us to another question: who was the best boss you ever had? Most answers include things such as “he/she had a vision and could articulate where we were going and how we [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 6th Post

It is normal to find yourself entrenched in the day to day routine of work, family, and life; most go through the day on auto-pilot of knowing what is expected and performing to that expectation. It is not necessarily easy or comfortable to take the time to answer the questions posted in this series and [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 5th Post

As leaders, we are in a position of power – a position to recreate the very circumstances that once made us feel we were the zone or at our best. We have the ability to take control of the variables that put us in those situations and control of the variables that detract. Consider instead: [...]

Seeking Sales Intern in Atlanta (paid position)

Looking for a rewarding and challenging internship this summer? Join us! Rowland Mountain & Associates is a boutique search firm with a 31 year record of placing top sales and marketing talent nationwide. In this internship you will identify talent and make 60+ cold calls a day. You will use social media to grow market [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 4th Post

Commonly, the following four statements are generally the answers we hear most often as recruiters: • I had a team around me and we were all rowing together, hard, to achieve a goal we all believed in • I was busy, maybe even overwhelmed, but overwhelmed doing meaningful work • I was tasked with a [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 3rd Post

The best place to start is by learning from the past. Answer to these questions: - At what point in your career did you feel most fulfilled? - When did you feel you were truly in your prime, or at your best? - What circumstances were in play at that time? Contact us today!

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 2nd Post: Perpetual Prime: Yourself

A commonly cited quote (original author contested) reminds us that “it’s never too late to be what you might have been.” It might help to know that celebrity chef Julia Child worked in advertising for the majority of her life and did not release her first cookbook until age 50. Legendary comic creator Stan Lee [...]

Regional Sales Manager – Building Products (interiors)

This person will lead a team of Architectural & Design Representatives and Territory Managers. Ideal candidate will mostly work in local markets with travel topping out at 30% overnight. Critical experience includes having leadership experience leading a team or direct employees and strong sales experience and success calling on commercial contractors. A professional who has [...]

Reminder…2019 Industry Salary Survey Open Until Friday!

Want to know how your compensation package stacks up in the industry? We are conducting our annual industry salary survey! The results will be aggregated and sent to you, if you choose. This should take no longer than 3 minutes to anonymously complete this brief survey. Why participate? - As an anonymous contributor you get [...]

New Series! A Perpetual Prime of Life

As recruiters, there is a powerful question we ask candidates which typically elicits immediate pause, reflection, and authenticity in the answer. It is a question that catches most off guard, creates a feeling of nostalgia, and sometimes even prompts a smile. “At what point in your career did you feel most fulfilled? When did you [...]

Commercial Sales Leader – Interior Finishes

This position leads a team of Architectural & Design Representatives and Territory Managers. Critical experience includes having leadership experience leading a team or direct employees and strong sales experience and success calling on commercial contractors. A professional who has strong initiative, adaptable and ethical thrive in this role that reports to the President. This opportunity [...]

Leadership Assessment – 8th Post: Play Chess, Not Checkers

The role of a leader is to take one person’s particular talent and turn that talent into performance. In simple terms, a good leader plays checkers. In checkers, there’s some strategy required but essentially all the pieces look alike and move the same way on the board. Now, a great leader? A great leader plays [...]

Global Manufacturer of Building Products Seeks Sales Executive

The Sales Executive hired for this role will maintain and grow the industrial footprint within the designated territory, building market position by prospecting and closing new accounts and building long-lasting relationships at multiple levels within an organization. Overnight travel will be no more than 1-2 nights/week and local day travel will comprise 80% of the [...]

Leadership Assessment – 7th Post

Simply put...Words matter. Do not underestimate the importance that words have when either strengthening bonds or fracturing them. “Employee” has a different connotation than “team member” or “key contributor,” and “I’m going to need you to” comes across differently than “are you open to some feedback.” • Do you separate observations from judgments or assumptions? [...]

An Irish Blessing

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back."

Leadership Assessment – 6th Post: Emotional Intelligence

The language we use determines the strength of the conversations we have. The strength and the type of conversations we have determines whether an individual sees us as their trusted adviser or someone that that just tells them what to do. That relationship determines the outcome of our success together; it is classic cause and [...]

Reminder! 2019 Industry Salary Survey Open Until March 29th!

Want to know how your compensation package stacks up in the industry? We are conducting our annual industry salary survey! The results will be aggregated and sent to you, if you choose. This should take no longer than 3 minutes to anonymously complete this brief survey. Why participate? - As an anonymous contributor you get [...]

Large Building Products Company Seeks Regional Manager (in Kansas and Oklahoma Market)

The successful candidate for this role will lead the commercial business segment and a team of Architectural & Design Representatives and Territory Managers. Ideal candidate will mostly work in local markets with travel topping out at 30% overnight. Critical experience includes having leadership experience leading a team or direct employees and strong sales experience and [...]

Leadership Assessment – 5th Post: Listening Skills

Although listening would be considered a soft skill, it is actually one of the hardest skills on which to focus. Humans have a tendency to hear more than they listen. Try to set your natural instincts aside and instead concentrate on the other person’s message and meaning. This requires listening without deciding or judging; the [...]

Leadership Assessment – 4th Post: Listening Skills

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re listening to a colleague talk about something extremely important to them, and while they’re speaking, something comes to mind to you and you can’t wait for them to finish so that you can tell your story? This is the point where you can still hear [...]

Leadership Assessment – 3rd Post

What is the right balance? Ultimately, it is not up to you to decide, it is up to those you lead. How they see you is how you are seen. Coming next in this series are the areas as a starting place for feedback and coaching. Contact us today!

Leadership Assessment – 2nd Post

You may feel that by listening without adding topics to the conversation that you are perceived as being interested and thoughtful. Instead, you may come across as dull and self-involved. You may feel that by sharing more than others do, you are perceived as open and honest. Instead, you may come across as burdensome and [...]

New Series! Leadership Assessment

Countless books and articles exist discussing the qualities of managers and leaders and whether the two differ, but little has been said about what happens in the thousands of daily interactions and decisions that allow leaders to get the best out of their people. Start with this premise: We do not see things as they [...]

Leading Manufacturer In Building Products Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager works to develop new products to drive the future of the Security Products segment of the business in this dynamic role. The position can be based remotely, preferably in the Southeast. Travel is 50% of the position to include a presence at trade shows and visits to Southeast headquarters. The position reports [...]

Loss Aversion – Final Post

Sometimes, it truly is best to return the item, leave the overcrowded restaurant, or succumb to a smaller couch. Instead of experiencing a loss, you might actually gain the improved morale of the entire workforce. Instead of experiencing a feeling of loss over time invested, you might actually gain more time to invest in those [...]

Global Manufacturer of Building Products Seeks Sales Representative

The successful candidate for this role will maintain and grow the industrial footprint within the designated territory, building market position by prospecting and closing new accounts and building long-lasting relationships at multiple levels within an organization. Overnight travel will be no more than 1-2 nights/week and local day travel will comprise 80% of the week. [...]

Loss Aversion

Toxic Workers, a Harvard Business School study of more than 60,000 employees found that "a superstar performer--one that models desired values and delivers consistent performance" brings in more than $5,300 in cost savings to a company. Avoiding a toxic hire, or letting one go quickly, delivers $12,500 in cost savings.

Loss Aversion: Stop Doubling Down

It’s time to step away from the fear of losing $100 and focus instead on the opportunity cost of not winning $200. The obvious unintended consequence of having a seat filled with an under performer is having it not filled by a significant contributor. What rarely is considered is the impact on those who are [...]

Loss Aversion: “B” and “C” Players (even more…!)

On the other end of the spectrum, “C” Players sometimes make up the smallest segment of the team yet require the most time and attention. They are the employees with a constant litany of excuses – a vehicle is broken, someone is sick, excessive days are missed, and the workload either gets passed to someone [...]

Architectural Building Products Manufacturer Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

Loss Aversion: “B” and “C” Players (continued)

We all recognize “A” Players. Within most organizations, there is even room for the competent, steady “B” performers who balance their work and personal lives while still performing a significant amount of tasks that need to be done. They stay in their lane, don't require a great deal of attention, and they get the job [...]

Loss Aversion: “B” and “C” Players

A less enjoyable component of management is the act of working with and coaching the perpetual underperformers. Every department has them, every leader has struggled with them, and some may even have a few who come to mind immediately. They are the few who we try to encourage, who we try to train, and for [...]

Seeking Territory Sales Manager

Company history of 4 decades in building materials serving numerous industries. A prominent U.S. family has invested in this business to provide growth capital and expertise for future expansions. The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to [...]

Loss Aversion – 3rd Post

Although a fascinating piece of knowledge about human behavior, what does the concept of loss aversion have to do with the workplace? As leaders, knowing that losses have a tremendous psychological impact can cloud judgement when it comes to truly evaluating employee performance. We have a tendency to double down with those we’ve invested time [...]

Loss Aversion – 2nd Post

You likely experience this phenomenon daily. Ever purchased something knowing you’d likely return it, but the longer you keep it the more attached you get? Sending the item back now feels like a loss. The longer we’ve waited to be seated at a restaurant, the harder it becomes to leave, as it feels as if [...]

Now Hiring Executive Recruiters

Looking for a rewarding challenge with high six figure income potential, the autonomy to work from a home office, and the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others as well as your own? This will be the hardest job you will ever love. It demands every known business and people skill. [...]

Senior Engineer – Turnkey Supply Chain Solutions

Our client has aggressively grown through major acquisitions, making now a fantastic time to join this organization! The individual hired for this role will primarily be responsible for promoting and educating the customer base on technology from their largest provider of control networks, PLC’s and Servo’s. This position will work in coordination with the company’s [...]

New Series – Loss Aversion

Imagine this scenario: a colleague offers to flip a coin and give you $20 if it lands on heads. If it lands on tails, you give him $20. Stop and ponder; would you accept that bet? For most of us, the answer is no. Behavioral science experts Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman performed an experiment [...]

Territory Sales – Building Materials

Our client provides solutions to customer problems in the form of new products, services, technology and customer care with an unparalleled commitment to excellence. The company culture is geared for one to capitalize on their entrepreneurial strengths. This organization fosters and supports independent thinking in a team environment. The person hired for this role will [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: FINAL Post – Allocating Attention

Most of us are used to focusing on externally oriented attention. It is simpler and more straightforward to focus on something outside of ourselves, such as work, television, a significant other, children, or almost anything that engages our senses. Our internal world is far more complicated, with a varied landscape of emotions, feelings, and perceptions. [...]

Established Manufacturer of Architectural Building Materials Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 7 – The Problem

The next question: What holds us back from taking action on the change needed to improve ourselves? In other words, why do 98% of New Year’s Resolutions fail? It’s simple: the rewards of these changes are in the future, when the discomfort and discipline are right here and right now. When there’s an absence of [...]

Leading Manufacturer in Building Products Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager works to develop new products to drive the future of the Security Products segment of the business in this dynamic role. The position can be based remotely, preferably in the Southeast. Travel is 50% of the position to include a presence at trade shows and visits to Southeast headquarters. The position reports [...]

Division of Multi-Billion $ Fortune 500 Seeks Sales Engineer

The Sales Engineer will primarily be responsible for promoting and educating their customer base on technology from their largest provider of control networks, PLC’s and Servo’s. This position will work in coordination with the company’s sales force and business partners to provide technical expertise, sales presentations and product demonstrations and consulting to potential customers on [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 6 – Rationalizing Failure (continued)

Rationalization is the use of feeble but seemingly plausible arguments either to justify something that is difficult to accept or to make it seem ‘not so bad after all'. We do this because it’s hard to accept the reality: if you want to succeed in any endeavor worth pursing, you have to put in the [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 5 – Rationalizing Failure

Most would agree that the things worth having and achieving in life do not come easy. When the going gets tough, we have a tendency to rationalize why we are not succeeding in our pursuits: “I don’t have enough time.” “It just wasn’t in the cards.” “I decided it wasn’t really what I wanted.” “It [...]

Leader in Building Product Manufacturing Seeks Business Manager

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 4 – The Questions (continued)

• If I were to die tomorrow, what would be my biggest regret? • What limiting beliefs am I holding on to? Are they helping me achieve my goals, or holding me back? • What bad habits do I want to break? How? • What good habits do I want to cultivate? How? • Am [...]

Peace. Joy. Hope.

Our warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and all the many gifts of the season brings.

Leader in Building & Security Products Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager works to develop new products to drive the future of the Security Products segment of the business in this dynamic role. The position can be based remotely, preferably in the Southeast. Travel is 50% of the position to include a presence at trade shows and visits to Southeast headquarters. The position reports [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 3 – The Questions

In experiential learning, enlightenment comes from taking the opportunity to think about what you experience – both personally and professionally. • What are the things I’m most passionate about? • What are my greatest accomplishments in life so far? • What am I most grateful for? • What are the biggest things I’ve learned in [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 2

Most would say the cliché that they are their own worst critic, but consider putting a formal structure to this process. All individuals fall into one of two categories. The first has an incessant looming cloud of pressure creeping in from all angles, resulting in a never-ending feeling of not living up to your possible [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

New Series! Being Your Own Worst Critic

The holiday season is a time of celebration – spending time with family and friends, reflecting on the past year, and setting goals for the future. Most have a list of to-do’s before the end of the year; you have checked it twice, and the only objective is to knock out all impending tasks so [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – Final Post

The ultimate goal is to consciously and genuinely listen to the perspective of others and see it simply as a perspective. Instead, most tend to judge perspectives or opinions as “good” or “bad.” Instead, train individuals to not judge but instead view opinions exactly for what they are: the point of view of a single [...]

Building Product Company Growing at Break Neck Speed Seeks 2 Product Managers!

The successful hire for this will be responsible for “more products faster” in this influential cradle to grave role! You will spend your time doing product development using gate process, field-based research (end user interface and data collection), team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps and much more! This [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 8th Post: The Education

In many organizations, focused training on understanding multiple perspectives is limited. This skill is about authentically learning about others and better understanding their point of view on a specific topic or situation. When we avoid personalizing other people's opinions, we can have a more objective perspective. People do what they do because of them more [...]

Global Consortium in Building Products Seeks Sales Leader

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 7th Post: The Regulation (continued)

If guidelines should be established, ask the following questions: Is what I am about to share positive in nature or negative? - If negative, what is my desired outcome? - If positive, what audience might still have a differing opinion and am I okay with that audience feeling alienated? When entering into an online debate, [...]

Seeking Product Manager for High Growth Company with Dynamic Leadership!

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 6th Post: The Regulation

This does not mean that individuals should not have the ability to express freedom of speech, and of course great things have come from it. The challenge that remains is one of authority; who is to say what is appropriate and what is not? Is that really the responsibility of senior leadership and human resources [...]

Multi-Billion Fortune 500 Global Company Seeks Sales Engineer

The Sales Engineer will primarily be responsible for promoting and educating their customer base on technology from their largest provider of control networks, PLC’s and Servo’s. This position will work in coordination with the company’s sales force and business partners to provide technical expertise, sales presentations and product demonstrations and consulting to potential customers on [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 5th Post: The Issue (continued)

Notice the following from our prior post: • “seeing what to them is…” • “what they perceive to be…” • “makes them feel like…” In other words, we are not required to take responsibility for the feelings and reactions of others, but we should take responsibility for being the catalyst for those feelings and actions. [...]

Shout out to Emily Carra – This made our day!

Yesterday, Emily received this note of thank you from a candidate that she interviewed on Wednesday. We are so very honored to work with this ultimate professional who approaches each person with a genuine interest in their success and desire to succeed. "It was good talking with you yesterday. I have talked to many recruiters [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 4th Post: The Issue (continued)

Consider the ramifications of an A-Player researching whether or not to interview with your organization, and seeing what to them is a controversial article shared from an employee within the firm. Consider one of your key accounts, someone who has done business with your organization for years, distancing themselves based on a persistent string of [...]

Established & Entrepreneurial Organization Seeks Product Manager

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps,messaging and [...]