Top 10 Interview Mistakes to Avoid
A well prepared resume might land you an interview, but a successful interview is crucial in getting the job. You may feel comfortable and confident about your chances throughout the job application process, but even experienced candidates can fail to put their best foot forward. Prior to the interview your research should not only include what you should do, but also, what you should NOT do. Murugesh Ramiah talks about these specific “Don’ts” in his article “Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid While Attending an Interview”
1. Incorrect attire
2. Unprepared Answers
3. Unprepared Questions
4. Forgetting to do Your Research
5. Not Watching What You Say
6. Cell Phone Ringing
7. Checking the Time
8. Asking About Salary too Early
9. Telling About Other Job Offers
10. Tardiness
Ramiah goes into further details in his article regarding each preventable mistake throughout the interview process. He also mentions that through the knowledge of these mistakes and how to avoid them, candidates can assure themselves the best possible chance of brokering a job offer.