Out-of-the-Box Time Management
It seems as though there is never enough time in the day to get through our “to-do” list, despite the fact there are 100’s of apps promising top-notch organization available with the wave of a finger. What if we looked outside the box instead of to our phones to get more organized? The article, “9 Unconventional And Low-Tech Time Management Tips,” by Travis Steffen, in associate with the Young Entrepreneur Council, posted on forbes.com, lends some “old-fashioned” tips on how to manage your time more effectively. These tips include…
1. Lose the phone, pick up a pen and paper
2. Make a simple ‘to-do’ list
3. Include EVERYTHING, even if it seems meaningless
4. Prioritize
5. Start small
6. Switch between small and big tasks
7. Outline steps on how to complete large tasks
8. Put it in your own language
9. Plan ahead
The article further explains each tip and how they may be able to help you get more organized and more effectively complete your task list daily.