What Successful People Do On Social Media
Social media can bring huge success to you and your organization if done correctly, but can also have the potential to harm you. The article, “19 Things Successful People Do On Social Media,” by TJ McCue offers tips on how to go about social media representation for yourself, including…
1. Believe in the value you are adding
2. Listen to what others are saying
3. Find your audience instead of dominating all networks…
4. But don’t focus on just one
5. Continue to utilize email
6. Continue to use SEO
7. Be genuine
8. Don’t use auto reply messages for when someone contacts you
9. Use hashtags dilligently
10. Don’t believe that your audience is not using social media
11. Quality over Quantity
12. One message does not fit all
13. Don’t outsource your voice
14. Hire and use interns wisely
15. Get personal
16. Understand a successful presence is earned
17. Track your success
18. Keep the end goal in mind
19. Trust in your network and utilize it fully
visit the article for more in-depth explanation on each suggestion, how to implement it into your own social media practice, and why it is important to marketing your organization.