Presidential Wisdom
Today, as we celebrate our nation’s past and present leaders, we remember the wisdom they left behind after they left office. The article, “10 Presidents’ Day Leadership Lessons,” posted on lists leadership advice given to us by some of our leaders. They are…
1. Never doubt your own authority- George Washington
2. Build a foundation on what makes you unique- Andrew Jackson
3. Balance between idealism with pragmatism- Abraham Lincoln
4. Innovation for the sake of innovation- Teddy Roosevelt
5. Consider both your needs as well as the needs of others- Woodrow Wilson
6. Communicate change- Franklin Roosevelt
7. Partner with your rivals- Dwight D. Eisenhower
8. Maintain your priorities- Lyndon B. Johnson
9. If you make a mistake, own up to it- Richard Nixon
10. Be optimistic- Ronald Regan
Visit the article for further explanation on how we can learn from the triumphs and mishaps of these former Presidents.