Projected Job Growth Through 2018, PART II: Fastest Growing Jobs in 2011

For about a month now, we have been collecting data on projected industry growth for the next decade. Out of all of the facts and figures we have found, this particular article from was perhaps the most intriguing. It outlines the industries which will undergo massive growth in the year 2011. Enjoy our findings!
1. Transportation: 73% increase, total job listings: 97,870
2. Hospitality: 47% increase, total job listings: 92,690
3 . Retail: 41% increase, total job listings: 346,953
4. Media and Newspapers: 39% increase, total job listings: 40,046
5. Construction: 15% increase, total job listings: 40,046
6. Healthcare: 2% increase, total job listings: 670,028