The Ways To Get Promoted

Things are looking up for the job market in 2012. It seems those companies who have been able to best adapt to economical pressures are now starting to regain some traction. This is great on two fronts: the rise of new opportunities to fill, and an open door for promotions.
Heather Huhman, of U.S, explains “four tips to get a promotion and climb the corporate ladder even in a stagnant economy” in her article, “4 Ways to Get a Promotion in 2012.
She stresses these habits:

  1. Focus on achievements. Show your value to the company.
  2. Ask for more. Take on more responsibility.
  3. Up your skills. Spend time training.
  4. Be patient. Keep up the good work.

Visit the article to read in more detail how you should behave in order to get that highly-demanded promotion! Harry F. Banks says it best: “Financial rewards follow accomplishment, they don’t precede it.”