12 Skills to Help You Thrive!
While dark clouds continue to surround our nations economy and job market, you can still set yourself apart from other candidates by brandishing a unique and complete skill set. The article, “12 Skills That Will Help You Thrive in 2013,” posted on Forbes.com by Joe MecKendrick, offers a list of skills that can help open doors to new opportunities in your job hunt. They are…
1. Tech- savvy
2. Data- Savvy
3. Professional Networking
4. Personal Outsourcing
5. Continuous Learning
6. Continuous Improvement
7. Global Perspective
8. “Branding”
9. Entrepreneurial
10. Agility
11. Communication
12. Optimism
Though they may seem fairly vague, the article goes into further detail on how they are important in today’s ever-changing work force. Polishing these skills are sure to give you an edge over your competition