Are you Selfish or Self-Satisfying? A New Psychological Insight on Your Career
According to J.T. O’Donnel, engineering psychologist, you should always strive to be self-satisfying. O’Donnel wrote in a recent article that the age-old self-satisfying psychology of the average child should remain through adulthood, pertaining to careers. I was personally impressed with the fact that J.T. strayed away from the cliche of “you only have one life to live, so do what you love!”. Her advice was logical in the sense that if someone truly loves working 8 hours per day at their job and leave with a happy and satisfied attitude, then this will essentially transfer into other aspects of life, such as parenthood, friendships and money. If a self-satisfying perspective is achieved,
“You have more to give when you feel good about what you do.”
Selfish vs. Self-Satisfying: Secret to Career Success