Turbocharge Q2
With the first quarter closing, the second quarter is just ramping up: so how do you learn from mistakes made, duplicate successes and breathe new life into stalled projects to make this quarter better than the last? The article, “31 Questions to Turbocharge Q2,” by Les McKeown breaks down each of these sections and gives examples of questions to review current projects and how to maximize your efforts and successes in the upcoming quarter. Some examples are…
- Why was this project successful/not successful/at a stand still?
- What does this success/failure tell us about our strengths/weaknesses?
- How can we build on our successes?
- What was the root cause of the failure?
- Do we have our Q2 goals clearly defined?
- What can we do more/less of in Q2?
Visit the article for full details and list of questions to go through for all Q1 activities and prepare for a GREAT 2nd quarter!