Start Off Your Work Day
Today launches a 2-part post, with the second part coming a week from now. Starting your day can sometimes be the most difficult part of the day, but article, “16 Things You Should Do At the Start of Every Work Day,” by Jacquelyn Smith posted on lists out helpful tips to start out on the right foot. They are…
1. Get to work on time
2. Literally take a deep breath
3. Eat a good breakfast
4. Remember it is a NEW day
5. Be aware of your mood
6. Organize and plan
7. Be present
8. Meet with your colleagues
9. Clear the clutter off your desk
10. Remind yourself of your purpose
11. Don’t let your inbox be a distraction
12. Listen to your voicemails
13. Return the most urgent calls and e-mails
14. Take advantage of a cleared mind
15. Every so often, change the routine
16. Take a mid-morning break
The article goes into further detail about how each of these can be beneficial to your work day