
Part 10: Curating an Exceptional Culture

2023-07-26T20:44:49+00:00July 26th, 2023|

Keep Things Simple The world is a complicated, noisy place. Inputs assail us all day long, competing for our attention and challenging our ability to focus. Culture creates clarity. Leaders who curate culture are consistently on-message. They remind everyone of fundamental truths about the culture and the business to keep people grounded during challenging periods [...]

Part 9: Curating an Exceptional Culture

2023-07-19T15:17:05+00:00July 19th, 2023|

Quit Managing. Start Leading. Leadership Guru Warren Bennis defines leadership as, “the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Let’s add to that. The leader’s role is to cast vision, provide resources, remove obstacles, drive execution, and deliver results. Most people would much rather be led than managed. What’s the difference? Visualize standing over someone versus [...]

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